Architecture & Interior Design
Architecture Studio is a company based in Germany with projects underway in Europe, Africa and South America. Among our associates and employees there are architects, engineers and designers, trained in Portugal, Spain, Italy, England and Brazil. With extensive experience in several sectors of the construction market, in the past 14 years we have designed buildings for both public and private sectors, specializing in five major areas: Housing, Health, Tourism, Transport and Heritage.
In our company, we believe in a liveable Glamour. We know that your space – whether at home or at work should be a reflection of your unique personality lifestyle; one that seamlessly merges a plurality of eledhjeents. Our design captures your inner voice and.
We see design as a primary element to quality human experience. We use an evidence-based design approach that emphasizes integration of functionality, technology, natural environment and human interaction as principal influences for thoughtful, well.
Our News
Our team would be happy to assist you with any of your projects. Please, check out our blog for answers, make an appoinment or talk to us.
Our Team Members
Mauris aliquam, turpis sed mattis placerat, justo risus pellentesque quam, id finibus risus arcu eget neque. Cras luctus eleifend dui, et rhoncus ligula pellentesque non.
Nunc consectetur metus a viverra sollicitudin. Morbi dapibus aliquam purus eleifend condimentum. Suspendisse potenti. Vestibulum laoreet semper purus, ac pretium risus efficitur nec. Donec tellus urna, dictum et turpis at, scelerisque tempus erat. Duis sagittis vel eros et pretium.
Mohd. Anzer
Amarnath Chauhan
Mohd. Shahzer
Mohd. Naseem
Florence Murphy
Darla Munoz
What We Do
Our Blog
Our team would be happy to assist you with any of your projects. Please, check out our blog for answers, make an appoinment or talk to us.